
welcome to Agape moms training!

1.) TRAINING: Make a plan for when you will listen to the training videos and answer the discussion questions to unpack with your Tiny Tribe leader team. If you are starting a new group, consider asking another mom or a group of moms to go through this with you.

2.) PRAYER. Ask God to do this work first in and then through you! Ask God to give you His heart and a burden for those around you who don't yet know Him. Ask Him who He may be sending you to reach with the good news of Jesus. Is there a specific group, neighborhood, sports team, stay at home moms, working women, or school community? Who has He already placed in your life?


  • Commit to studying Galatians to foster Gospel DNA and fluency in your heart and life during your training season.

  • Pickup a copy of Galatians For You by Tim Keller to enhance your study of Galatians. You’ll read a short section of Galatians, then'll read his commentary on it in the book. It is life changing! Tim Keller says that the Gospel is not just the ABC’s of the faith, it’s the A-Z of our faith, it's the only way we advance in maturity!

  • Pickup a copy of Gospel Fluency by Jeff Vanderstelt. Galatians For You should be read before Gospel Fluency. The gospel is good news we need to preach to our own hearts again and again everyday, regardless of how long we’ve been walking with Jesus. Gospel Fluency will help you to speak the gospel into the "everyday stuff of life."


These training resources are available for FREE on the Hoopla App if you have a valid library card, in both audio and hard copy versions.

4.) Read The story of Agape Moms so you can gain context for how the original Agape Moms started, how it grew and the various logistic and spiritual challenges you will also likely face. You'll find the story listed next in the drop down menu, as well as the rest of the training series.

5.) TAKE YOUR TIME. As you navigate the “Start An Agape Moms” drop down menu, the intention is for each one to be done one week at a time. Pray. Surrender. Take the small and large steps of faith He's asking you to. There is Scripture, books and other resources that you need to digest with the Spirit's help. I want you to know that many hours, prayers and the trial and error of experience have gone into these thoughtfully and prayerfully curated sessions with the burden to equip others to do this ministry well. However, the bottom line is that Agape Moms is something GOD has to do IN YOU before it is something God can do THROUGH YOU!

My prayer is that you'll trust the process of God birthing a new gospel-community in and through you, and just like having a baby, it takes time. I pray right now against every fear, and every lie the enemy is trying to instill in your heart. God's perfect love casts out fear, especially when it relates to following his call to all of us to make disciples as you go! (Matthew 28:19).

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Agape Moms began with a small group of women living on mission for Jesus in their local parks. Don’t underestimate the value and power of starting small.