Letters to the Church


Agape Mom’s resource recommendation this week is Letters to the Church by Francis Chan. This book couldn’t convey the vision and mission of Agape Moms more clearly, and the areas that Francis Chan struggled with the western church are the same ways that the founder of Agape Moms, Laura DiLeonardi struggled with, and it led to the birth of Agape Moms and Agape Family.

If you have been struggling with church as you know it, and recognize the disparity between what the early church was and what we’re experiencing today, we urge you to read this book and free yourself from thinking beyond the status quo, opening your eyes to see how God is calling each of us to make disciples and build his church, right now, exactly in the neighborhood, job or circumstances you find yourself in.

As Chan concludes in the last chapter, going small with church and getting back into homes is the best chance we have at going big, or we’ll be perpetually buying and building bigger buildings, catering to a consumer atmosphere, and blocked from countries that outlaw this sort of formal “church.” The church is thriving by the thousands in countries where they must gather in homes, not just because of the persecution, but because every believer takes seriously their call to make disciples and believes the word of God and Holy Spirit are enough to do it!

David Platt asks in the rethink church/rethink mission conference this weekend, “Are we relying too much on performances, programs and professionals in America?”

Pickup a copy or download the Hoopla app, sign in with your library card and read for free today! Chan has once again been a spiritual mentor and a powerful voice who reinforces what we’ve already been convicted of in scripture.


Link to the book on the free Hoopla app:


Another article summing up Francis Chan’s departure from his mega church and beginning a network of home churches led by everyday people as pastors.


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