Friday Introductions...


Hi, I’m Laura, and this is Agape Mom’s first #fridayintroductions since I launched our website, instagram and Facebook page two months ago. As new mamas join, I thought it was time to share about the person behind the screen and the mission of Agape Moms. I’ve loved meeting many of you and linking arms with other gospel-centered mamas and ministries for the sake of more women knowing the gospel!

First things first- you must know how ecstatic I was in this picture simply because I was basking in glorious fall weather, staring at a yard full of leaves behind my sweet husband, who was quickly snapping this pic before all five of my family, decked out in flannels, vests and boots, set out to the pumpkin patch to do all the fall things!

This is especially exciting this year because we recently moved from FL to WA, and so my kids are able to experience the magical fall air for the first time.

I was born and raised in the Chicago area (go Cubs!), so seasons have always helped mark time, and I’ve missed them. I’m really looking forward to watching my kids experience the wonder of the changing seasons through their eyes.

Before kids, my hubs and I left Chi-town and spent a short season in Denver, where we fell in love with the mountains and all things outdoors. After CO, we spent 7 years having kids in FL and growing a lot as adults, before a job promotion moved us to the PNW 6 months ago.

This summer, we did an insane amount of hiking with our kids and I think we’ve successfully passed on our addiction to summiting mountains. With 3 big moves under our belts, it has only made our marriage stronger, helped us grow, and most importantly, given us the gifts of people and experiences we wouldn’t trade for the world.

I’ve been married to my Bible-college sweetheart, Matt for almost 10 years, and we have three kids, Jackson (6), Selah (5), &  Lucy (1). We are a very tight knit family.

My passion is seeing lives continually transformed by the gospel. Jesus radically changed my life in high school, and sent me on a wild ride of loving God and others ever since. My mission here is inspiring moms to make disciples in everyday, messy mom-life.

Tell me something your family loves to do!

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