Jesus Takes Our Small Things...

Jesus uses our small things
and turns them into big things
because it’s not about our abilities, 
It’s all about Jesus creating out of nothing, something he’s been doing since the beginning.

God wants us to give him our everything,
even when it’s just a small lunch, 2 coins or a tiny seed. This is how others will be pointed to God all the more, when we stop thinking God is looking for super-humans to serve him and see that he’s always worked through broken people like you and me who were willing to give God what they’ve got and leave it in his hands with a surrendered heart.

As moms we have to remember this as we are called to make disciples of our kiddos and other mamas as we go about everyday, messy mom-life.

Is there a need in your community for a space for moms to be able to bring their mess and grow in Jesus, maybe for the first time, or the first time in a long time? Are you lacking that place?

Perhaps God wants to use YOU to start an Agape Moms, creating not only a space for you, but many others too. Don’t believe the lie that God only uses special people to do things for His Kingdom, He uses everyday moms like you and me. And this goes for anything God is calling us to do! No matter how small it may seem, God uses small acts of obedience for His glory.

When we fully give God what we’ve got and say use me, even if it feels like a measly lunch or a fraction of a dollar, God wants to grow our faith in Him, not our own abilities, and He wants to show others too, through our faithfulness, that He is God, and He brings beauty out of ashes, He calls life out of dust, and He invites us into that with him. Will you trust Him?


Laura DiLeonardi Founder of Agape Moms

Laura is married to her Bible-college sweetheart of almost 10 years, has three kiddos, and is a self-professed "hotmess rescued by Jesus." Laura's passion is seeing lives continually transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus radically transformed her life in high school, and sent her on a wild ride of loving God and others ever since. Since graduating from Moody Bible Institute with a BA in ministry in 2008, she's been part of various ministries, served in multiple leadership positions, and most recently, took the vision that God gave her for her local Agape Moms and put it into website form. Her mission here is inspiring moms to make disciples as they go about everyday, messy mom-life. 

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