Simple Gospel by United Pursuit


 “Simple Gospel” by United Pursuit is a perfect song to lead our hearts in worship after a week of focusing on speaking the gospel into our everyday lives!

The line, "you say no amount of untruth can separate us" used to stick out to me in a bad way, it ruffled my religious feathers, thinking, well of course if someone thinks wrongly about God, it WILL separate them from Him. And while this is true to some extent, every truth must be filtered by the authority of scripture, even as believers we have to admit that we still harbor untruths.

We all have things we are still struggling to believe rightly about God and rightly about ourselves, especially in light of the Gospel. So let's rejoice that these untruths do not in fact separate us from God, because God is not finished with us yet. He still pursues us despite our sin, and despite our failing, again and again.

There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God! But, we don’t need to stay where we are and in the struggles that bring us down. This is why we all need the gospel preached to our hearts 24/7!

Let's lay down our religion, as this song says, let's lay down the boxes we’ve tried to shove God into at times, lets get rid of the lies we’ve embraced, and rejoice in the simple Gospel.

Simple Gospel by United Pursuit worship video:

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