What is Agape Moms?


We are a family network of mama tribes who are seeking after Jesus as we navigate motherhood together. In our family, you’ll be ENCOURAGED, not in competition, EMPOWERED, not just getting by, and EMBRACED, regardless of your performance.

As we bring everything back to the gospel, it unleashes us to live lives of purpose for God in everyday, messy mom-life. We welcome moms into our tribe who don’t yet know Jesus, we care for each other like family in the highs and lows of life, and we continually experience the gospel bearing fruit in and through us, together on mission for Jesus.

Agape Moms gathers weekly as moms are invited to “bring your mess.” We enjoy a light breakfast and coffee while we catch up over the noise of our kids playing. We are family and so we include our kids in our gatherings and normalize interruptions. We are real about our struggles, support and pray for each other, open Christ-centered studies and continually point each other back to Jesus in everything.

We don’t just meet weekly, we do life together! We organize play dates, moms nights outs/in, celebrate new babies, show up for each other when hard times hit and celebrate the milestones too. We are a family and we believe that knowing God’s unconditional Agape Love changes us from the inside out and enables us to extend His Agape love to each other too. Join one of our tribes, or start a new Agape Moms near you!

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