Daring to Hope


Agape Moms’ gospel-centered resource recommendation this week is “Daring to Hope: Finding God’s Goodness in the Broken and Beautiful” by Katie Davis Majors. Our guest blogger this week recommends this book, and the reviews look incredible! Here’s a quote she highlights for moms who may be struggling with serving God in the everyday tasks as a mother.

 ‘’God had been teaching me the extraordinary strength it takes just to be ordinary. To dwell knowledgeably and hospitably in this place He has given me with my people is, in fact, an extraordinary call. He has shown me the beauty of being attentive to one person, in the mundane, again and again. In a full life of trying to do great big things for God and see His glory in great big ways, He showed me He is glorified in the small too.’’ -Katie Davis Majors 

Grab this book for free on the Hoopla app with a valid library card. 

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