Friday Introductions


#fridayintroductions are in order since it’s been a couple months and we’ve gained a few hundred new followers on Instagram (Find us @agape_moms) WELCOME to all, I’m so glad you’re here!

I’m Laura, the founder of Agape Moms and it’s been such a joy to share the story God is writing with Agape Moms! Here’s a little more about the person behind the screen.

I’ve always been a dreamer. Agape Moms began in 2016 with me ditching fear and acting on a big dream that God gave me deep in my soul through the study of His Word and His Spirit. It was birthed after getting burned by the church pretty bad, and going after this was not something I had a cheerleading squad for, no one understood the burden and few encouraged the call. And yet as I began, I sensed Jesus saying, “Welcome to life as a follower of Christ, Laura! Your new life has just begun.”

When God calls you, it means taking up your cross, dying to self and accepting what you may lose along the way, although painful, it only increased my love and dependence on Jesus over people. (As an enneagram 2 y’all this was brutal heart surgery!) I found there is such peace in walking in obedience to Christ, without looking back (fear), or to the sides (people), instead keeping my eyes fixed on JESUS.

I’m sharing all this because 1.) I hate small talk and let’s just get right to the deep stuff 🤣 and 2.) I think Friday intros can be a lot of “look what I did.” I want you to know this post and Agape Moms is 100% “look what Jesus did.” And I’m inviting YOU to join us on this journey of giving up your life to follow Jesus, to build His kingdom instead of yours, and to live for the glory of God and not man. But I’m not saying it’s going to be easy or that people will clap.

When God is going to do something THROUGH us, He’s going to do that something IN us first. Agape Moms was a vision born out of my lack of having a family. It was a battle cry to live out and seize the gift of the family of God that I saw so clearly in the Word, and yet no where around me.

Now in 2019, just 6 months after launching our website/socials, Agape Moms is a movement that represents so many more women than just me, and new Agape Moms locations across the country are forming! My prayer in sharing the beauty of the ongoing struggle is to encourage you to join us! It’s never the right season, there’s always stress and an endless to do list. Trust Him to do it in and through you. Trust Him that He’ll be gloried when you allow others to see Him at work in your mess, instead of waiting for a season where you can present a more perfect you. Give them Jesus, and live as if it doesn’t depend on you to make it happen.

Please visit our website to learn more about Agape Moms, starting your own Agape Moms or submitting a gospel-centered blog post. Your story is worth sharing and your community is worth reaching with the good news of Jesus. To God be ALL the glory, forever and ever, amen!

Laura DiLeonardiComment