Fix Your Hope on The Unchanging God


Some of us need to be reminded of God’s unchanging character today in an ever changing world. God is our creator, has and always will be, and he didn’t give up on his creation when things went south and sin entered. He sees our tendency to sin, he sees the way it messes with each other, and instead of wiping his hands and abandoning us, throughout scripture he continues to make a way for us and the plan was always to come down in the flesh and rescue us.

I think some of us need to be reminded of this today, because life can be HARD. Things go wrong, life isn’t fair, people hurt us, plans fail us, and we make plenty of mistakes ourselves too. When you’re feeling like hope is lost, open God’s word. Look at all the times God did the impossible and brought good out of evil.  

When Joseph was sold by his brothers into slavery, God used it years later to rescue his brothers, and God greatly blessed Jospeh, although he definitely went through some hardships on the way to gaining favor and authority in Pharaoh’s kingdom.

 “But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭50:19-20‬ ‭‬‬

I believe someone needs to hear God say today, “See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I’m making a way in the wildneness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19

Our God is a God who SEES us and He doesn’t leave us. Don’t lose hope because of changing circumstances or people, anchor your hope in our unchanging God alone, and don’t ever stop believing that he is going to do a new thing in you and through you! 

He has greater plans for your life than you could imagine, plans for you to join him in His Kingdom work and to bring him glory, even in the unseen places of motherhood where only God sees.  Whether your “way in the wilderness” this week is making it in the trenches of motherhood, or your “stream in the desert” is stepping out in faith for God to breathe life into a hopeless situation, trust God’s unchanging character! James 1:17 says that God doesn’t change like shifting shadows, He has always been our creator and his heart is always to restore things that are broken or lost. This is the entire narrative of the Bible, God making things new in Christ.

This week, pray some bold prayers. Ask God to do specific restoration wherever it is needed, and don’t stop praying, believing and walking in obedience to Him. Don’t lose hope in our unchanging God no matter how hopeless the circumstances may seem, be ready to see it and say- look, he is doing a new thing!

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