Agape Moms is a NEW Thing Inspired by God’s OLD and Timeless WORD


 💗Agape Moms is not a NEW thing, it’s returning back to an OLD thing, the original church that we see in Acts.

💗This passage, Acts 2:42-47 inspires and guides everything we do at Agape Moms! I love how an OLD scripture can be used by the Spirit of God to inspire NEW things in His people for His glory.

💗Agape Moms is not the full expression of the church, we hope to bring moms back into that eventually, but since the church is not a building, it’s people, when we gather we still embody the values and activities of the early church.

💗Being the church is our identity and it’s our lifestyle, it’s not a building or a program.

💗We also live on mission for Jesus daily, because the gospel is the best news we’ve ever heard and the unconditional Agape Love of God can’t be kept inside and it overflows into all of life, as we see in verse 47, it causes us to gain favor with people, and then the Lord welcomes more people into His family!

💗We are to be known for our love for one another, and that’s what we’re all about at Agape Moms!

💗What’s a NEW thing God’s timeless Word is inspiring you to do? It’s something to ponder this week during our theme of “see I am doing a new thing” from Isaiah 43:19. Maybe that new thing is starting your own Agape Moms by training on our website.


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