Agape Moms Neenah

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Please join me in welcoming my dear friend, Grace Carter (@gracegcarter) to the Agape Moms Family Network! She started training this week to launch an Agape Moms in her Neenah, Wisconsin community. We are so excited to link arms with her for the sake of more women knowing Jesus and how the Gospel impacts all of life! If you’re in Neenah or know anyone who is, connect with Grace to join the launch team. To begin the 7 week training to start your own Agape Moms, visit our website www.AgapeMoms.Online, or message us!

I’m Grace Carter, wife to my husband Alex for 6 years and Mama to our two beautiful kiddos, Jane and Freddy (2.5yrs & 6mo). In 6 years we have moved 6 times, lived in Ohio, Illinois, Washington, Illinois, and now Wisconsin (for the past 1.5 years). I am a “retired” pediatric oncology nurse, I currently run a small business from home, and I stay home with my babies.

I love all things outdoors: horseback riding, camping, hunting, fishing, biking, running...I think you get the point. We’re big DIY people and recently renovated our kitchen too to bottom! I never saw a project I didn’t want to try and tackle.

I’ve known Jesus my entire life, and have watching Him transform my life through the Gospel over and over again. My heart is to serve God by loving him, pouring into my own family/children, and reaching my community in spite my imperfections, selfishness, & sin. I want to connect with other moms through the bond of motherhood and the saving Grace of Jesus.

To connect with Grace or Agape Moms Neenah, you can email her at

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