Ileah’s Story: God’s Faithfulness in Quarantine

I’d like to share how Agape Moms Tehaleh impacted my life during the covid year 2020-2021.

Our baby announcement photo

Our baby announcement photo

The year of lock downs and social distancing was very difficult. During that time I personally realized how incredibly important it is to have friends, community, and support in each of our lives.

In June 2020 my husband and I found out we were pregnant with our third child. About 12 weeks later I woke up one morning bleeding. We ran to the hospital to find out that I was having a miscarriage. I immediately reached out to let people know what was happening.

God gave me the name Rose for our baby

God gave me the name Rose for our baby

Agape moms really stepped up and were there to support me through prayer, setting up a meal train, and coming over for hugs and to talk through things. My husband was thinking that we didn’t need a meal train but after he saw all the love and support that was poured in, it really helped him understand the importance of community as well.

We planted a rose garden in the backyard for Rose’s memorial.

We planted a rose garden in the backyard for Rose’s memorial.

Once Tiny Tribes started in the fall, it was so nice to start meeting together and having community again. Our group drew close together. We laughed together, prayed together, and supported each other through all the crazy things happening.

Unfortunately, my miscarriage went on longer than expected so my health was not that great but my Tiny Tribe was always there to pray and support me. It was a healing process and God really taught me a lot. I was able to grow my relationship with the Lord even more. I learned that we don’t have control. Ultimately God has control of everything and I really learned to lean on Him and give the “control” I thought I had over to Him.

I’m currently in a summer agape group with some other moms and am making more friendships and growing the community around me. My husband and I have opened up our home for Gateway Gatherings where people come weekly and experience the Lord through online worship and a Bible-based message as well as an opportunity to build community with each other over snacks and refreshments. We are thriving in so many ways because of what the Lord has done and is continuing to do. We have such a strong and growing community around us.

Ileah Kang

Ileah has been part of Agape Moms Tehaleh from the beginning in 2019. She married the man of her dreams that she has been together with since she was 13! She is a stay at home mom who also homeschools her 2 kiddos. She loves people and the community she lives in.

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