8 Years of God's Faithfulness to Agape Moms

This Fall we celebrate the eighth anniversary of Agape Moms Tampa Bay. It has been eight years since the very first meeting of the original Agape moms group in Lithia, Florida. It has been amazing to watch God grow this group in our community and across the country. I am very blessed to have been part of this wonderful community from the beginning and I am so grateful for this wonderful, Christ centered group! Over the past 8 years God has blessed us with the opportunity to minister to hundreds of moms and lead dozens of small groups through Gospel centered studies. While we have navigated many times of uncertainty, God has always made a way for us to continue on through big changes and seasons.

Motherhood can feel lonely, uncertain, and overwhelming at times, and it is a huge blessing to have a group of fellow moms there to encourage you, walk alongside you, and most importantly, point you to Jesus!

When I first joined Agape Moms back in late 2016, I was pregnant with my daughter and feeling very uncertain and anxious about the big life changes motherhood would bring! The loving community I experienced during that pivotal time and the gospel centered studies we worked through together had a huge impact on my walk with Jesus and my life. I didn’t know it at the time, but during my pregnancy and the first year of my daughter’s life, God was preparing me to give back to my community in a meaningful way.

When Laura suddenly had to move across the country and asked me to take over the group, I was a little bit uncertain and overwhelmed. My daughter was very young and we were still figuring out her medical diagnosis of Torticollis and doing multiple physical therapy sessions a week. With this weighing on my heart and mind, I took some time to think and pray about it. Almost immediately, I felt the Lord leading me to say “yes”, so I agreed to lead the group. I knew that I couldn’t lead anything in my own power, wisdom and strength, and that I would have to rely fully on God to carry me through.

As we kick off this August, I have had the honor of leading this wonderful group for the past six plus years. Way back when I gave God that first “yes,” I was unsure of what was to come, but I knew that he was calling me to take a step of faith.

All these years later I can see God’s guiding hand so clearly as I took each uncertain step forward. It has been such an honor to have a front row seat and see lives changed as God’s hand is at work in our community.

On Sunday, my Pastor preached from John 15, and mentioned how the fruit that a plant bears is always for someone else and never for the plant’s own enjoyment. As Christians we can’t take credit for the fruit we produce, it’s not for us, it’s for others. The good fruit that we produce as followers of Jesus is all for God’s glory and for the benefit of others!

The truth is, it is not about you, it is about God. He is the one who owns the vineyard and gives you the ability to produce fruit. It’s keeping your heart and mind fixed and focused on Christ that gives you peace and keeps you moving in the right direction!

Is God calling you to make some changes or do something new? I’d love to challenge you to give your own “yes” to Him. The key isn’t striving in your own strength, but trusting and resting in him and his power to carry you through! After all, as Jeremiah 17:7 proclaims: “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord.”

Jessica Hundley

Tampa Bay Area Director

Jessica loves spending quality time with her husband Scott, and their two children Haley and Luke. Jessica moved to Florida from Massachusetts in 2012, and never looked back! She loves sharing the good news about Jesus by telling others how the truth of the gospel has radically transformed her life. Jessica has a special passion for connecting with other moms who are struggling and pointing them to Jesus. She is a founding member and former leader of the original Agape Moms in Lithia, FL. Since 2018, she has launched multiple Agape Moms groups in the Brandon area, including one in her own neighborhood in Valrico. She is the author of the book “Encountering Culture: teaching your kids God’s truth in a world of lies,” an apologetics study for parents. Jessica has a love for God and others that overflows into every facet in her life.

Contact AgapeMomsTampaBay@gmail.com if you'd like to get connected with Agape Moms.

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