
Our mission


Welcome to Agape Moms Network!


We are a family network of mama tribes who are seeking after Jesus as we navigate motherhood together. In our family, you’ll be ENCOURAGED, not in competition, EMPOWERED, not just getting by, and EMBRACED, regardless of your performance.

As we bring everything back to the gospel, it unleashes us to live lives of purpose for God in everyday, messy mom-life. We welcome moms into our tribe who don’t yet know Jesus, we care for each other like family in the highs and lows of life, and we continually experience the gospel bearing fruit in and through us, together on mission for Jesus.


this is the heartbeat of Agape moms

What is an Agape Moms?

We are a safe place for moms to come explore Jesus and how he makes all the difference in the world, maybe for the first time, for the first time in a long time, or for the first time finding a group of believing women who truly love each other with the unconditional agape love of God. 

We are also a safe place for you to grow into the fullness of who God created you to be. Agape Moms gives you an environment to live out Christ’s call for each of us to make disciples, as you live on mission in everyday, messy mom-life, while also plugging in your gifts into the Agape Moms tribe, and living out the story God has already written for you. 

Our prayer is to be a bridge between formal church gatherings on Sundays, and the daily messy and dark mom world, one where many moms are left alone with the challenge of raising tiny humans. God didn't create us to do life alone, he wired us for community. Plus, we don't know how momin' is possible without a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus, and we've got both covered at Agape Moms!

We mean it when we say "bring your mess,” there's no pretending or performing with us because we've found our answer in Jesus, not in ourselves, and we are kind of obsessed with sharing this news! 

We are gospel-centered in everything we do, from the way we gather, the studies we chose and the lens in which we apply Scripture and grow up into Christ. This is good news for those who feel far from God, and those who are striving to please Him everyday- Jesus is the only way we can begin or maintain our relationship with God! In Christ, we can rest in the finished work for us in His death and resurrection. We couldn’t earn it or deserve it, and as we continually embrace God’s unconditional, Agape love for us, it changes us from the inside out.

Jesus is the hope we are all so desperately searching for at every corner of the messy and sometimes dark mom world. Whether we seem pretty put together, or are an open book hotmess, our souls long for what only Jesus can fill. Living in the mom trenches alone is hard enough, but we believe finding a mom-tribe isn't enough, it's all about knowing Jesus and making Him known together. Will you join us?

Agape Moms gathers weekly as moms are invited to “bring your mess.” We enjoy a light breakfast and coffee while we catch up over the noise of our kids playing. We are family and so we include our kids in our gatherings and normalize interruptions. We are real about our struggles, support and pray for each other, open Christ-centered studies and continually point each other back to Jesus in everything.

We don’t just meet weekly, we do life together! We organize play dates, moms nights outs/in, celebrate new babies, show up for each other when hard times hit and celebrate the milestones too. We are a family and we believe that knowing God’s unconditional Agape Love changes us from the inside out and enables us to extend His Agape love to each other too. Join one of our tribes, or start a new Agape Moms near you!

join agape moms network!


Welcome to our website! We’ve created it with the vision of helping bring Agape Moms into as many moms lives as possible, equipping and empowering everyone to make disciples as they live on mission in everyday, messy mom-life.

Begin with the "About" drop down menu, and learn more about our values, tag line and story.

Checkout the "Find an Agape Moms" tab if you are looking to connect with a local Agape Moms.

Don’t miss the Agape Moms Community Blog where you'll hear from women from across the country share about how the good news of Jesus is changing everything about their life. You will undoubtedly feel like you're not alone in the challenges you face as a mom, and will be sure to be pointed back to Jesus at every turn. To submit a gospel-centered post, contact us.

If God is stirring your heart to launch a new Agape Moms in your community, creating space for moms around you to have a tribe to grow together in the gospel, then click on the "Start an Agape Moms" dropdown menu where you'll be walked through a training series, one step at a time. 

We're just a message away if you need prayer or support along the way, don’t ever hesitate to contact us.


Meet Laura DiLeonardi Founder of Agape Moms

Laura is married to her Bible-college sweetheart of 13 years, has three kiddos, and is a self-professed "hotmess rescued by Jesus." She loves hiking and exploring God’s creation, running, writing and speaking. Laura's passion is seeing lives continually transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus radically transformed her life in high school, and sent her on a wild ride of loving God and others ever since. Since graduating from Moody Bible Institute with a BA in ministry in 2008, she's served in multiple leadership positions. In 2018, she took the vision that God gave her for her local Agape Moms she launched in 2016 and put it into website form. She has recently taken a staff position at her home church, The Journey Church in Lebanon, TN as the Director of Community, and launched her 3rd Agape Moms community out of her church in April 2022. Her mission is equipping moms to make disciples as they live on mission in everyday, messy mom-life.