When Fear is Crippling, God’s Word Anchors Our Hearts

Struggling with worry is one thing before you have kids, but once these fears involve our children, it’s enough to push us over the edge and really bring us to our knees. A dear Agape Mama, Lauren Smith, will be sharing her journey with her daughter’s medical challenges and God’s faithfulness with us tomorrow on the Agape Moms Blog that you won’t want to miss!

Whatever you’re facing this week, take it straight to the Lord. When the lack of control, the lies and the weight of it all overwhelms you, recite God’s Word to yourself and allow His truth to anchor your heart despite whatever other things seem louder or truer.

One of my go-to passages that I’ve committed to memory is Phil. 4. When the fear is crippling and I’m in the unknown, the “peace that surpasses all understanding {has surely} guarded my heart and mind in Christ Jesus!”

If you’ve never memorized scripture or are looking for something to help combat anxiety, this verse is a great place to start. Save a scripture you want to memorize as your lock screen on your phone and repeat it often. God’s word is our weapon to combat lies and root our hearts in truth, so don’t forget to use it! #mondaymotivation

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