Is God Calling You to Start an Agape Moms?


Has God been burdening your heart to reach other moms around you with the good news of Jesus? Do you crave an authentic environment where you can bring the mess of motherhood and grow with other moms in Jesus? Do you sometimes feel that serving God outside the home is too hard in this season of having young children? This is where Agape Moms comes in and connects our call to make disciples with everyday messy mom life!

We are a tribe of women who are seeking after Jesus as we navigate mommyhood together. In our family, you’ll be ENCOURAGED, not in competition, EMPOWERED, not just getting by, and EMBRACED, regardless of your performance.

As we bring everything back to the gospel, it unleashes us to live lives of purpose for God in everyday, messy mom-life. We welcome moms into our tribe who don’t yet know Jesus, we care for each other like family in the highs and lows of life, and we continually experience the gospel bearing fruit in and through us, together on mission for Jesus.

*Agape love is God's unconditional love for us and the unconditional love we can have for each other in Jesus- this is the heartbeat of Agape Moms.*

Learn more at www.AgapeMoms.Online and start training today to launch your own Agape Moms and link arms with our Agape Moms family network!

Laura DiLeonardi Founder of Agape Moms

Laura is married to her Bible-college sweetheart of almost 10 years, has three kiddos, and is a self-professed "hotmess rescued by Jesus." Laura's passion is seeing lives continually transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus radically transformed her life in high school, and sent her on a wild ride of loving God and others ever since. Since graduating from Moody Bible Institute with a BA in ministry in 2008, she's been part of various ministries, served in multiple leadership positions, and most recently, took the vision that God gave her for her local Agape Moms and put it into website form. Her mission here is inspiring moms to make disciples as they go about everyday, messy mom-life. 

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