24/7 Gospel Springboard


Agape Moms’ Gospel-centered resource recommendation this week is our favorite “24/7 Gospel” springboard. This dynamic duo will launch you into a lifestyle of gospel freedom! Start with Tim Keller’s “Galatians For You,” quickly followed up by “Gospel Fluency” by Jeff Vanderstelt.

These books have been life changing for many in the Agape Moms Family Network, and initially sparked the gospel explosion in my life that led to the conception and launch of the first Agape Moms missional community. So naturally, “Galatians For You” was the first book we studied, and it continued to ignite Gospel growth and explosion in the hearts of other mamas, creating a ripple effect that continues to this day- because the gospel is the best news we’ve ever heard!

These two books are part of the Agape Moms training to start your own Agape Moms MC because they first lay the biblical foundational of the gospel in Galatians with TK as your guide, and then Jeff really teaches you how to speak the truth of the gospel into the “everyday stuff of life” and the lives of others.

If you’re burnt out on trying harder to be better, legalistic church culture or any message that’s all about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, then these books are for you! “Galatians For You” is a great choice for your next bible study guide, first you read the text, and then the book is a commentary that helps you learn how to unpack scripture, including some discussion questions.

Our prayer is to see more gospel saturation and the freedom that only Christ brings to the lives of moms in 2019. Too often we get stuck in the mommy wars, comparison or cycles of negative self-talk and exhaustion. Grab these books for FREE on the Hoopla app!

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