Agape Moms Lawrenceburg, TN

Please join me in welcoming Aria Stiles Bozant to the Agape Moms Family Network! She trained this spring and has begun forming a core group to launch an Agape Moms in her Lawrenceburg, TN community. We are so excited to link arms with her for the sake of more women knowing Jesus and how the gospel changes everything! If you’re near Lawrenceburg or know anyone who is, connect with Aria to join the launch team. To being the 7 week training to start your own Agape Moms, visit our website, or message us!

Aria Stiles Bozant is a fiddle player and SAHM of 2, Finley and Seraph. Aria’s husband of 5 years, Edgar, is a Student and Family pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church in Lawrenceburg, TN. Aria is passionate about raising her babies in a gospel centered home and teaching them about the gospel. She tours around the country and has played with numerous 90’s country stars. As she navigates motherhood while balancing a career, Aria is constantly looking for opportunities to grow and do life with other moms who are in similar places in life. In the spring of 2022, Aria attended an Agape mom’s led by the founder, Laura DiLeonardi and was discipled by her. After she learned that she would be moving to a new city, Aria quickly set up a time to be trained to lead a group in Lawrenceburg. “This group helped me when my family was at rock bottom. The other moms genuinely prayed for me, helped watch my kids during moving, at times helped with basic necessities when money was tight, and shared a passion for Jesus. This group is unlike other mom’s groups where gossip and husband bashing can take place, Agape Mom’s is constantly on mission to show mom’s Jesus when nothing else makes sense.”

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